
Thursday, June 11, 2015

Day in the Life

It's 2nd period, and the science classroom at the continuation high school is pretty silent. Except for the two girls taking their 12th selfie. Although, that seems to have finally stopped.

Some subbing days are easier than others. And there are some battles not worth fighting. They all know what their assignment is. Many of them are even on task. Those that aren't... *shrugs* At least they're being quiet about it.

The boy just directly in front of me had his head down on the desk. The boy next to him indicated that he was crying. My take on this is if he wanted me aware of his turmoil, he would not be hiding his face. If he needs to talk to someone, he can ask to go and I'll let him. But until then, I'll let him have his privacy.

But then this boy asked to borrow his neighbor's pencil. He set it on top of his own crosswise...

"No! Absolutely not."

So, now the two are playing Tic-Tac-Toe.

Many of them are on their phones. Although, the girl who was actually making a call finally ended it. I could go the put-your-phones-away route; but then I'd spend the rest of the period policing them, confiscating phones, and just fighting them. It's not really worth it. The room is mostly silent. I'd rather maintain the calm.

Besides, I already have six finished assignments in a class of nineteen students, and everyone has a book out.

So, I keep an eye out for the crazy as I write (on paper--I'm inputting this into Blogger days later). Ten more minutes. I hope period 3 is as settled as this.

They were. It was 5th period that wasn't. 

From 5th period I learned a new little tidbit. Did you know that there are YouTube videos where girls are applying makeup? Some of these channels are popular. The things on the internet...


  1. Seems to me you can find just about anything on YouTube these days :)


  2. Whatever you want to know, you can find out via Google!

  3. The last days before school ends are misery for all around. At least no one was throwing pencils?
    YouTube has something for everyone.

    1. Oh, I think they know my attitude towards thrown anything. Automatic referral.

  4. This part made me chuckle: "But then this boy asked to borrow his neighbor's pencil. He set it on top of his own crosswise... 'No! Absolutely not.' So, now the two are playing Tic-Tac-Toe."

    How wonderfully random.

    1. That's my life. Random. Then again, it might just be how teens are.

  5. Liz,

    Everything these days is available on the internet, if you know where to look. I don't think students have much respect for teachers.


    1. Some do. But they make for boring blog posts.

  6. Ha, they were going to play that dumb Charlie game. I know about the makeup vids. I spend my YouTube time more wisely :P

  7. The last place I wanted to be at was school when it was near the end. I think we could find someone looking at paint drying on the wall on youtube

  8. I've seen a YouTube video about someone putting on makeup. I've seen a lot more ridiculous things on YouTube as well. It's a funny world we live in now.

    1. True. There are loads of videos demonstrating knitting patterns and techniques. I love those.

  9. Five teaching days till winter break, today's highlight was the 25 minute debate in my Year 9 class about whether the current Wiggles are "real" Wiggles, which I eventually shut down by pointing out when I was their age there were 5 Wiggles!

  10. Good luck getting through the end of the school year!

  11. I'm not as out of touch as I thought. I don't know why I was aware that there are many of these instructional videos ; I don't even wear make-up anymore. I don't even own any. But they probably would have done me a world of good in Jr High when I would apply tons in the bathroom at Hardy's on the way to school and wash it off on the way home. Small town and until I had friends with drivers license and a car, I had to walk the 1.4 miles to school. Even in far subzero temperatures. I had it lucky though. I had a friend who Iived 15 miles or so out of Bemidji and had to milk her 4H cow and endure over an hour bus ride as it wandered around picking up other farm kids.

  12. By YouTube videos--do you mean the ones where girls instruct others on how to apply makeup? Because I can see those as very useful...but just sitting and watching girls apply makeup for the sake of watching that? That's weird!

    1. I'm assuming instruction is involved. I haven't actually watched one (although my makeup technique could use some improvement).

  13. I'll admit to watching one of those make up tutorial videos once last year. I don't normally wear make up but wanted to look good for my cousin's wedding.

    I can't imagine devoting any serious time to watching them. I'd rather have step by step photo instructions, personally. ;-)

    1. I'm glad to know they exist in case I ever have need of them for something like a wedding. (I've attended one wedding in my entire life, so it's not likely.)

  14. I've learned lots about home repair via You Tube. Glad it is there for people like me. I don't understand the whole "cell phone in school thing". If it is against the rules, why don't teachers enforce the rules? Just asking. My kids are always telling me they are on their phones quite a bit at school. Makes me want to force them to leave them at home

    1. Ah, yes, that is the question. I never know if a teacher is strict about cell phones or not. I could write a whole week's worth of posts on the topic. It's a thorny issue.

    2. My school has a BYOD policy (Bring You Own Device) so in class i sometimes do have kids legitimately beavering away on their mobiles (translation, a cell phone is a mobile in Australia :) ) and even when i sub for another teacher if the kids are quiet and using their device to listen to music (with headphones) I am ok with that.

    3. But what happens to teaching!

    4. Some days the students do need to be actively listening to what the teacher is saying. But some days the students are doing work on their own. Answering questions. Filling in a worksheet.

      There have been studies done that show that having music on in the background helps people to focus. Some students need a little background music to help them study.

      And there was one day when the students had a vocabulary assignment. They used their phones to look up the words. So, phones can be useful when used academically.


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