
Friday, May 22, 2015

It Rained

The rain started just after lunch on Thursday. The kiddos got into class, and the period went normally. Then the bell rang signaling the end of the period.

As the students filed out, various screams erupted around the middle school.

Student: "What is this, elementary school? It's just a little rain. You've seen it before. It's not like you're going to melt."

She pretty much nailed it. Saved me the trouble of saying it.

(Contrary to popular legend, it does occasionally rain in southern California. While it's been a while--undoubtedly you've heard about our drought--it hasn't been so long that middle schoolers would have not experienced it. And not even that long ago.)


  1. You know how the drivers "freak" about the rain there (and there's legitimate concern for that with the oils on the road). It just catches everyone by surprise because at times it can be so far apart between rain showers :) That's why so many schools have outside eating areas and not much inside :)


    1. Yes, it's infrequent, but not unheard of. I'm sorry, but they were being ridiculous.

  2. That comment made me smile. Well-timed.

  3. That sounds like the kids' reaction to snow in Georgia.

  4. I'm glad that Southern California is getting some much needed rain.It has been rainy here all week too!

    1. I love a nice rainy day. We could use some more of them.

  5. It must have been very traumatizing to see water falling from the sky. They should hear about "cold" and "snow". They won't sleep for a week.

  6. Screams of celebration perhaps?

  7. Being in the northeast, it's funny that "rain" is such an unusual concept. But CA needs it for the drought, right?

    1. It's not an unusual concept, which is why the screams were totally ridiculous.

  8. A co worker's daughter lives in California near the Russian River wine making region and has been keeping us updated about the drought. Rain is worth celebrating. Will hope you get more, but not too much. Alana

  9. There's a hysteria that kicks in with kids. I'm glad someone had something sensible to say!

    1. Yeah. If it wasn't her, it would have been me.

  10. Rain, glorious rain! When we lived in Victorville and it rained, my children went outside and danced (no thunder or lightening).

    A girl with common sense is hard to find.

    1. I have an earlier post where I talk about how the kiddos came in all wet due to deliberately splashing in puddles, so I guess that's also a thing.

  11. Yes, in So Cal we sure do need more. Wish it would rain a bit more before we get to the heat of summer.

    1. I know! Although, we're having such strange cool temps now.

  12. Oh some kids just love to go overboard. These are probably the same kids who scream and one direction. The student said it best

  13. Glad to hear you're getting some rain there. My dog would probably scream if he could. He hates going out in the rain—which is really odd since he was raised in Seattle.

    VR Barkowski

  14. Hehe, that's the best response to it raining. :-)

    If you need a little more rain I could send you some of ours. We had sunny weather yesterday but today it's very damp and windy!

  15. But at that age having your hair not look 100 percent perfect is devastating!

  16. That is too funny! Screaming?! You would think a tornado was headed their way. LOL

    1. Tornado? I don't even want to contemplate what sounds they'd make if that was happening. Screams would be the least of it.

  17. Maybe they were just acknowledging their wickedness, because rain does melt the wicked!

  18. I remember my freshman year in high school. Every day just before the bell it would just start pouring. It was terrible. I'd have to run to my bus in the loop with wind and rain pelting me. I'd be drenched by the time I reached my bus, which of course was the very first one, at the other end of the school from my class.

  19. I lived in southern CA and it seldomed rained. Glad you're getting some. We've had rain here in the desert too and temps twenty degrees below normal for May, very unusual.


    1. Yeah, rain doesn't happen often. It's been a freaky May weather-wise all around, hasn't it?


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