
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Yelled At

6th period. Adam walked in and claimed a dry erase marker. Cleared a spot on the white board and started to write up an apology. "I'm so sorry, Sarah..."

As he was doing this, he explained. Sarah had not spoken to him all day. And he had no idea why. So, he had spent the entire day apologizing to her, to no avail.

In the midst of this, Sarah walked in. Saw what Adam was doing. And it made her madder.

Adam left. (He wasn't enrolled in this government class.)

* * *

"Get your hands off me!" Followed by a smack on the arm.  

It was the end of period 5. The students were filing out. And Samantha just lit into Jacob. 

Jacob acted perplexed. He told anyone who would listen (including me) that he had done nothing wrong. He had bumped into Samantha. Shoved by someone behind him. He then apologized for bumping into her. And that's when she let him have it.  

Now, normally I would believe Jacob. But Jacob was of the crew who had spent the period chillin' in the back of the classroom, acting as if he had nothing to do but hang with his guys. And talk. And laugh. (They were supposed to be watching the movie and answering questions that went along with it.)  

So, I have a feeling that there was a bit more to that interaction than what Jacob says.

* * *

The next day Sarah and Adam walked into 6th period arm in arm. All was forgiven? 

"Adam, why was she mad at you?"

Adam still had no idea. She wouldn't tell him. She said as much...

"Will you at least tell me?" I asked.

I admit, I was curious.  

She explained that Adam wanted to go to prom in a muscle car, and she didn't think that was appropriate. But upon further consideration, she realized she wasn't letting him make any prom decisions, so she'd let him have that one.  

Um, okay...

Did you spend weeks planning your prom experience? Did you go to your prom? Would you have asked Sarah for all the details, too? 

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  1. Haha! High school drama at its best. Still, seems kind of weird that she wouldn't, you know, tell him what was bothering her. But, hey, hormones are doing weird things so they get some slack.

    I went to an older friend's prom, and not my own. Didn't do any planning whatsoever, but that's how I fly. ;)

    1. Yeah, I would think she would let him know why she was mad, but then again, the anger was all in her head.

  2. I never understood how apologizing to a girl just makes her madder. Yes, I'm glad all that drama is behind me.
    I did go to my senior prom but I don't even remember the girl's name.

  3. We didn't have a prom at my school, though since I was at school it's become more common here. We did have a Christmas dance but going with a date wasn't a big deal.

    I actually wore my Christmas dance dress to get married in, hehe.

  4. I probably would have asked too. I had the misfortune to be home-schooled, so I missed out on all of the normal school stuff like going to the prom.

  5. There was never all the hoopla over proms back in my day (about 100 years ago) One of my prom dresses was made by my mom and the other one we got pretty cheap somewhere. I went to my first husband's prom with him (we only had Senior Proms) and at my prom he was overseas so my cousin took me. Proms are so overrated in this day and age. Some of the girls spend $800+ on dresses. my humble opinion

    1. That's cool. There are some girls today who would appreciate a handcrafted dress.

  6. I didn;t go to the prom. Just wasn;t into it. I think we went to see a movie that night.

    1. Neither did I. I don't know what I did that night.

  7. Sarah probably needs to be told that not telling someone why you're mad at them doesn't really do anything.

    If a girl is yelling "Get your hands off me!" then the boy deserves a smack on the arm (and a lot more).

  8. Yes, I went to my prom. It was a special time and I’m glad I have those memories.
    I admit I would have asked Sarah what was up.

  9. I think writers are inherently curious. :)


    1. I think so too. Which is why I wonder if I am a writer as I'm not usually all that curious. But in this case...

  10. Love this story. when I taught grade 8 there were days when students HATED each other and WEREN'T talking, and by the time I got them all settled to meet they were once again BEST FRIENDS.
    So entertaining!

    1. It's funny how quickly they'll get over something.

  11. Yeah, I would have asked. If you have to put up with the drama you have the right to ask. I went to prom with a friend of my brother's who was a couple years older and not from our little small town.

  12. LOL about the muscle car for the prom :) Such a silly thing to be upset about but I do have to remember the age of the kids :) I didn't go to my prom, but when son took his girlfriend to her prom (he didn't go to his either, but went 2 years later with her) we helped them have a good time with a fancy dinner, etc.


    1. I know! It was the craziest thing to get so upset about.

  13. Glad they patched things up. Could have been worse.

  14. Oh my...teenagers...Always getting upset over some silly things. Of course they probably take it serious. The teenage years are hard.


  15. The prom is a recent phenomenon here in Britain. They didn't have them in my day! We were lucky to get an end-of-term disco. As for teenagers, I am friends on Facebook with several young nephews, nieces and their friends. They seem to fall out one day and are then "besties" the next! All part of growing up, I guess.

  16. Teenagers are awesome! From something possibly serious with Samantha, to something really stupid with Sarah. I'm happy you got the reason! I was curious, too ;)

    You can find me here:

    1. I was really glad I was in there the next day to be able to ask. Many times I'm only there the one day and I never learn what was up.

  17. There is something she's not telling, it can't just be about a car, could it? Anyway, no prom for me. Didn't have them when I was in school. Still done have many schools in Nigeria doing that.

    1. In this case I think that's it. The two of them seemed to be long time couple, so if there were any other issues, she would have taken it up with him. (She was no shrinking violet. She made her wants and opinions known.)

  18. The interactions you deal with everyday makes me jealous for that real life conversations/actions taking place in high school! Great material for my line of writing:)

    1. Maybe you should look into subbing ;) Some of the stuff I hear... You can't make this up!

  19. Are proms like weddings? Women get to make all the plans and men just show up? That's how both of the proms I attended seemed to go!

  20. Never went to prom but if I did I'd definitely want to go in a muscle car. Definitely.

  21. Wow! Teenage girls can be very dramatic over nothing.

  22. Yes, you should ask students about what's going on, especially if they are unhappy. They need to know that their teachers notice more than their schoolwork.

    I did go to my prom. As far as planning, I didn't do anything except find an appropriate dress. It was fun, but wearing fancy clothes and dancing is not anywhere near my top choices for how to spend an evening. Give me blue jeans and a good movie any day.

  23. You bet I would ask! She seems a bit high maintenance to me. I did go to my prom with 2 girls I became a nun and the other became an arsonist)burnt her parents home down). That is my fun prom dates:) Not really dates as no boy asked me

  24. I didn't go to my prom since I didn't know anyone I wanted to go with. Went to an all-girls Catholic school which was a great education, but not when it came to a social life! Not so much drama though. When I started college in CA I made up for it. Joan


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