
Friday, April 10, 2015

Individual Reading code for silence in the classroom. Not that it works out that way. Although, lately...

12th grade English. The teacher was out due to a tooth issue (although, not like Ms. P's tooth issue), and he had left the class a short story to read. Individually.

1st period, unsurprisingly, asked if they could read it in groups. That is, they get into groups and take turns reading. Believe it or not, several of the groups actually do read. But many spend the time in general conversation.

The next class (3rd period--2nd period had a different assignment) was co-taught with Ms. B. Since she knew the kids, she told them they had to read it on their own. And many did. But, many ended up with heads on the desk...

I was sure this was a make-work assignment for a day the teacher didn't intend to miss. But Ms. B informed me that this story is on Mr. H's usual syllabus. And the class would be discussing the story in depth.

I wonder how that discussion went. I kind of hope he gave a quiz to make sure they read it.

Did you do the reading that was assigned by your teachers? Do you prefer to read silently, or do you like to have things read to you, like on Audible? 

Today's A to Z Challenge post brought to you by the letter...

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  1. I have to read with no noise. Then I can concentrate. I even turn the computer mute all day. Some people put up automatic music on their sites and I just can't concentrate. Its one or the other.

    As I See It Daily

  2. I like a group participation. I think the different voices and their respective reflections add so much.

    Stopping in from A to Z and thanks for the continued participation!

    Stephen Tremp
    A to Z Co-host
    Twitter: @StephenTremp

    1. Most of the teens prefer it that way, too. I think silence unnerves them.

  3. I can read anywhere. I always have a book on my lap and watch TV at the same time. When I went to school we did what the teacher told us to do. The principal was scary! And our parents were even scarier!

    1. Some of them aren't cowed by authority figures. Ah well.

  4. I definitely prefer to read on my own. I read everything, although some of the books were boring. Still not a literary classic fan to this day.

  5. I usually did the reading assignments, but I love to read so that was always easy. I preferred reading it to myself, too. Listening would distract me from the reading (if that makes sense).

  6. I didn't mind silent reading at school but I find it hard to get my kids to do it.

    1. Yeah, kids nowadays seem to need noise all the time.

  7. Oh I read what the teachers gave to us and I always preferred to read on my opwn

  8. Great post, Liz. I like reading in silence, any other way my thought wonder off. I don't know what's with kids and noise these days. There is peace in silence, peace of mind.

    1. I think it might be because kids nowadays don't have much time in silence, so they're unused to it.

  9. I LOVE to read and I always did the reading...but it was never nearly as fun when it was assigned reading. I listen to books on audio but only while I'm doing mundane tasks like housecleaning or laundry. I downloaded The Girl on the Train to read because we're about to move and I know that means a lot of hours of packing...BORING. But if I had my preferences, I'd read on my Kindle.

    1. Now that's an idea. But I think I'd be too distracted by the story and not get anything done.

  10. I prefer silent reading but I know kids that definitely prefer the audible to the visual.


  11. I liked both, to read silently and in a group :)


  12. In high school, I took the non-college prep English classes to be with my friends and always ended up finishing the readings long before the rest of the class which is probably why I would get myself in so much trouble. I much prefer silent reading, I have a really difficult time with audio books. I had to read out loud for speech therapy and always would read to my beloved (very scary looking) boxer. Even after my years of speech therapy ended I continued to read to that dog. I haven't enjoyed reading aloud since he died (of old age) when I was 17.

  13. I liked reading silently. What I hated was taking a turn to read a section out loud to the class. Aargh! I had a bad stutter then and would always stumble over the words.

  14. I was a dork and did the reading. I prefer silently. I'm always nervous on a plane or bus that someone is going to try to talk to me while I'm reading.

    You can find me here:

    1. Aren't most people considerate enough to leave you alone when you're reading? Because interrupting is rather rude.

  15. I did all the reading assigned by my teachers, especially in university. It was really bad in one class, because I was the ONLY one doing the 100 pages of reading a night, so everyone AND the teacher left it to me to summarize it all in the first five minutes of class. :P

    Alex Hurst, A Fantasy Author in Kyoto
    A-Z Blogging in April Participant

    1. Yikes, that's when I would stop doing the reading. No one else?

  16. I like to read silently..I used to love library time when I was in school...most of my friends preferred reading in groups and I was the only who read alone :D

  17. I usually prefer reading to myself, but I know when I taught, my boys (and the girls) loved being read to!

    1. That's what's so great about audiobooks. Put that on, and let them follow along.

  18. I used to find it frustrating when we would be set a text and would have to take it in turns to read it to the class. It usually happened when we were studying Shakespeare and each person would be assigned a character to read.

    People would stumble over the difficult style or would read it completely devoid of emotion and I would find my attention wandering, or would be three pages ahead of the rest of the class and get pulled up for not paying attention.

    I'd must rather just read silently to myself. Though I will admit, if I'm on my own, I do quite like reading aloud. :-)

    1. Oh yes, reading Shakespeare out loud in parts in a class... That's a special torture.


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