
Thursday, December 11, 2014

The Horror

You know it's going to be a bad day when you get to class and there are no lesson plans. Then the counselor walks in, explains the emergency the teacher had, and lets you know that not only did the kiddos have a sub the previous day, but also things had not gone all that well. And the kiddos in the 4th/5th period block (yep, had the same kiddos for two hours) are so over-the-top out of control that they're revamping the group. Next semester.

Oh, did I mention that these were 7th graders? In math?

Now, math's my subject, and I can totally knock out a lesson on this so long as the classes cooperate with me. These kids? Not so much.

(The counselor also came in with lesson plans, so I wasn't totally winging it.)

The lesson should have taken the whole period. It took me the whole hour to get through part of the first third.

And you see those streamers hanging down from the ceiling in the picture? The students have been warned not to bother them. They are too high for them to reach, really. But what do they do as soon as they get a sub?


  1. Bless you for having to deal with this. Having colourful things hang down from a ceiling and asking kids not to play with it is like asking a pussy cat not to play with a sparkly ball

  2. What do you mean by revamping? Either way, it sounds like this group is quite the nightmare. You must have the patience of a saint.

  3. I'm wondering what the streamers are for...

    1. They were to indicate groups. Each group had its own color, and the streamers above them were that color.

  4. Did they decide to take down the streamers? Its almost like teachers have to have a contingency emergency plan for emergencies like this. Like a week of lessons planned that can be used any time. That would be a nightmare to step into!


  5. We have to have all our planning done a week ahead in case of things like that. It would be awful to walk in to a room of students with no plan to follow. Some kids have terrible chemistry together. I can understand why they'd need to be revamped!

    1. There's usually something, even if it is kind of thrown together.


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