
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Some Little Things

I've been working on little knitting and crochet projects. That seems to be where my brain is at right now. So, I might as well go with it.

According to my Ravelry projects page, I finished these at the end of August...

What is it? It's a little thing that goes over the end of an Otter Pop. To keep little hands from freezing or to help insulate the pop--I'm not sure which. But I thought it was a cool idea. It's supposed to look like a lightsaber hilt.

I'm not sure where I first saw the idea, but the pattern is here. If you crochet, it's a very easy project. I made three in almost no time at all. (I'll sell you one if you want to buy one from me. Just let me know.)

The other thing is something I've had in my head for a while, but it took a panic to actually get it made. My sister-in-law's birthday was last week, and someone kind of let things go until the very last minute. (Oops.)

So, I did what last minute gift givers always do. I wimped out and got her a gift card. But I made her a little something to put it in. And I put her initial on it.

I rather like how it turned out. Of course, it took me three tries before I got it kind of where I wanted.

What do you think? Might these be a good idea to add to my shop? Or are they more trouble than they're worth?


  1. Why not? If they sell, they sell. If not, all you really had to do was put up a photo, right? Maybe adjust an order form?

  2. What a cute little bag. It came out really nice. What's that gold piece at the top?

  3. I think that is a great idea and people will like it. One can add other gift cards to it and they are all together-great idea

  4. I think the little bag is cool, plus it can be reused after for change or whatnot.

  5. I love the gift card holder!!! That's the perfect way to present a gift card. It personalizes it, while still giving the person a little something to spend! I had to click on the link to see what an otter pop was.

    1. Maybe OtterPops are a California thing. They were big when I was a kid.

  6. adorable! and i think the gc holder would sell! so cute!

  7. I like the gift card holder :) So cute. All I thought about with the otter pop was the mess that potentialy could drip down on it, but it is a clever idea!


  8. I didn't know what Otter Pops were, either. We have something similar here, too, though they are frozen when they are sold. I've never thought of a holder for the frozen juice. :-)

    The gift card holder is lovely.

    1. I'm not surprised that Otter Pops aren't in Japan. I had never thought of a holder for them either until I saw the pattern.

  9. In Australia we call Otter Pops Cool Pops! Thanks for the Wiki link! I think it's a brilliant idea but where I live the Cool Pops melt before you even get to eat them!

    1. Yeah, they melt quickly in the summer. But that's what that little bit of insulation is for ;)


I appreciate your comments.

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*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.