
Monday, April 28, 2014

X Marks the Scarf

I wasn't sure if I was going to do the A to Z Challenge this year. I've had a lot of things on my plate this month (not just knitting), and I wasn't sure if I was going to have the time. But then there was X...

At the end of last year's challenge, I realized that this year X would fall on a Monday. The day I post about my knitting. And I thought it would be cool to design a knit project for X.

Early on I came up with the scarf idea. Over the next eight months, I contemplated this X scarf idea. The idea morphed into...

This would be a very long post indeed if I went through the whole design thought process for this. 

Are you wondering? How does this have anything to do with X? It's not just the name...

Yep, I made an X-shaped scarf. Or maybe it's a cowl. It might be too long to be considered a cowl, so I guess it's more of an infinity scarf. An X-shaped infinity scarf.

I couldn't not post it. So, this is the whole reason I finally did sign up for the A to Z this year.

Today's A to Z Challenge post brought to you by the letter...

Do you think I'm crazy to have signed up for A to Z only for X? Why did you sign up to do the A to Z? How have you handled X?


  1. LOL! An entire month of blogging just for a scarf! I love it. Liz, that is amazing. =)

    True Heroes from A to Z

  2. You really prepared for this day. X was hard for all of us, but you were ready to take it on!

  3. Talk about planning ahead! I love it. The style is great (X made for a cool inspiration) and I think the color you chose is awesome.

  4. This is excellent and great for the post. Love the colours and the 2 different designs on it

  5. That is a very cool project you took on there. Well done!

  6. This is quite possibly the best reason for doing the A to Z challenge I've heard. LOVE it! And like others have said, the colors really look great - awesome job!

  7. I'm sure glad you did sign up! :) Love that scarf! The color is intriguing and what's better than an x shaped infinity scarf??? Not much I'd say :D

  8. Ah, I see nothing but creativity. How cool is that! And X scarf. Perfect. And I sure am glad you joined the challenge and I got to meet you, Liz.
    Silvia @

  9. Its cool and I love that you decided to participate because of X, the hardest letter in the alphabet! Your's is one of the cutest X posts I've seen today.

    Actually, I can't wait to show Z this year which only came together in the past two days, but I like how I'm finishing it thanks to the help of a certain corgi I know :)


  10. I for one am very glad you decided to do the A-Z challenge if oly so you could create this beautiful scarf! Well done You! :)

  11. How ingenious!
    I almost gave up my idea to sign up for the challenge because I couldn't find a suitable topic for the letter X...
    I ended up writing about the xylophone, but I am glad I am taking part in it.

    1. I liked your xylophone post. Most people seem to cheat a bit for X. I was happy it fell on a Monday this year so I could make it all about the knitting.

  12. It's lovely and I think you've just invented something new! I don't think I've got enough energy to write Y and Z but I suppose it'd be silly to quit now :)

    1. You're almost there... Keep at it. Just two more days.

  13. Wow, this is perfect for X....Way to go, Liz! And now you have something to remember the a-z by. I'd love to see how you wear it. Sharon

    1. Yeah, I'm not sure. And since it's going to be 90 degrees today, I think it'll probably be a few months before I get to.

  14. Just for X? Yep, that's a bit crazy, but that's cool. I wouldn't have met you if you didn't sign up.

  15. I love it. I wasn't sure if I was going to do A to Z this year. I left for our DC vacation with a checklist of letters and ideas for posts. I kept modifying it based on what pictures I had. I had no pre-planned idea for x. Spotting the animal x-rays solved that. I had photos for every letter now I just had to write the posts!

  16. That's an amazing looking scarf! I bet it is lovely and warm.

    1. Yes, I finished the warm scarf just in time for 90 degree weather. Figures.

  17. Liz,

    I love your scarf! I wasn't sure whether I should sign up for the challenge either. I remembered how much time and effort it took last year. But we both finished! Congratulations on completing the challenge.

  18. It is a lovely scarf and so cool that you designed it especially for the challenge!

  19. I love the scarf! I never get to crochet as often as I would like to. But that's life with 3 kids.


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