
Saturday, April 19, 2014


I was worried about Q. Last year Q fell on a Friday, so it was easy enough to deal with. But this year it falls on a Saturday, and Saturday is my photo day. What can I get a picture of that starts with a Q?

Time to pull out a dictionary...

And that's when I saw "quartz". Oh, cool. That's easy...

(I love what the photo editing software did with the lighting on this one.)

Bonus photo: black amethyst (which I believe is quartz as well)...

Today's A to Z Challenge post brought to you by the letter...

Did you have any trouble coming up with a Q topic? Isn't that black amethyst cool?


  1. Did you take those yourself?

    They look professional. I love taking pictures. I didn't know that Saturday was photo day for you. I'll have to get here more often on the weekend. I read once that the average number of times a picture is viewed on the internet is ZERO, and I'm aiming to change that.

    1. Yes, just a couple days ago. Then I hit "I'm feeling lucky" in the editing software, and the lighting went from well-lit to dramatic. Otherwise, I'm not that good. (As my high school photography teacher would attest, had he not passed away a few months ago.)

  2. aah the pics have come out beautifully <3
    a-z participant

  3. My son found son beautiful quartz pieces. We have tons in the ground around here!

    1. Oooh. My nephew would love to go digging. He loves rocks of all types.

  4. Pretty! I'm glad you found a solution for Q :)

  5. Yeah, I didn't have any trouble with "Q," but that's because I've got my Q built in. But anyhow, I've always been fascinated with quartz because it has the closest appearance to crystal. *shifty eyes* Not obsessed with that one at all.

  6. Great Q post, Liz. I went back and forth on my Q until I got it mixed up with the R, then changed my mind, then posted and forgot to make the change ... until after posting. Oh, it's been a long month. :)
    Silvia @

  7. Q was difficult for me this year, too :)

  8. Such pretty pictures of quartz! Great use of the letter Q; next year "quart" of milk. Now the next challenging letter in a few days "X"


  9. Quartz - PERFECT for a Q post. That one never crossed my mind.
    What a fun blog!! I had to go back and read what I missed. A little bit of everything. Teacher/real life posts, knitting, and randomness. (liked the Lies post too)

    1. It wouldn't have crossed my mind either if I hadn't used the dictionary...

      Thanks for stopping by.

  10. Love quartz for Q! those are some really pretty ones too! :)

  11. Beautiful. It is amazing the things nature provides us with.

  12. Lovely pics.. I did not find any problem for Q for I had already planned for Quiet time...

  13. I had a Q in mind the minute I decided on my theme. But Y and Z are still alluding me.

    Wendy at Jollett Etc.

  14. Beautiful...the first one reminds me of a cross. Just in time for Easter!


I appreciate your comments.

I respond to comments* via email, unless your profile email is not enabled. Then, I'll reply in the comment thread. Eventually. Probably.

*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.