
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Knitting on my Plate

I have this large decorative plate that I keep all my current knitting projects on...

My knitting plate

If we start at the "top" with the bright blue and red, that's an archery target hat in progress. The black ball of yarn just to its right is for the lacy fingerless gloves, a pair I'm doing in black.

The big bit near the "bottom" is going to be a surprise (it's for X). The beige next to it is that cardigan I started ages back. I haven't touched it in weeks.

That final ball of black goes to the archery target hat. It's the next color.

I like to have a few projects going. That way I can switch them up.

Today's A to Z Challenge post brought to you by the letter...

What's on your "plate" (knitting or otherwise)?


  1. X gets his own project? I KNEW HE'D CAUSED TROUBLE.

    We are in the market for a new cover/stand for the boys' iPad. I remember you made something like that. I'm going to go to your Etsy store and check it out. So keep those fingers limber in case that's the direction Mr Bunches and Mr F go.

    1. Of course X gets his own project. I knew X was going to fall on a Monday...

      My cozies are only mini iPad sized at the moment. (Need to work on a full-sized version...) But I do custom work, so let me know what you'd like.

  2. I know few basics of knitting , but could never finish a project .....hopefully I could take some tips from you and atleast knit something ....All the best on all your knitting projects Liz :)

    1. Start small. There are plenty of projects that take an hour or so. Once you've finished some things, it becomes addictive.

  3. I usually try to finish one project before I start another. But I have broken that rule and have a purple hat and lace scarf started. Now that the weather is finally getting warmer, I might have to start something springy.

  4. On my plate: kids, work--part time art teacher, laundry, finishing edits on my new novel, trying to promote my debut novel, writing more a to z posts:) Did I mention kids?! Too much on my plate.

    1. Yep, that is a lot. I think we all have too much on our plates. (Well, not my knitting plate, but other plates...)

  5. I usually take only one knitting project at a time. It may be a good idea to work on more than two for a change.
    Have a nice weekend.

    1. Thanks. I found that I like having a couple projects going at once, but YMMV.

  6. I have a cheese plate (well, more like a slate), but I'm sure that doesn't come as a surprise. I have way too many hobies for a healthy person. =)

  7. I would have to have a satellite dish to hold all my WIPs. I guess the problem is they are not "in progress" just started and put aside. I love fingerless gloves and have made a few pair recently (in crochet). Would love to see the ones you make! And looking forward to X! :D

  8. On my plate:

    1. finish Peace & Forgiveness
    2. Revise No Rest
    3. Find a shiny new toy


  9. I like how you keep several things going on at one time; I'm sure there's a variety of patterns in each, some might take shorter time to do a few rows than others, so having them laid out like this you can "grab" whichever one you want whenever you want.

    On my plate:

    1. The A/Z Challenge.
    2. Doing curriculum for 3/4 year olds at church.
    3. Working 40 hours a week.


  10. My granny taught me to knit, but I failed miserably in it !
    On my plate
    My A to Z posts which I have not written from M :(
    My contibutions to local magazine still pending :(
    My house need to be cleaned :(

    1. I've got next week's posts to do as well. Looks like your plate is full.

  11. Well fooey, the colors of your "X" project appeal to me, so I was eager to read what it will be. Guess I'll just have to wait.

    On my plate: Staying ahead on A to Z (N has me stumped); keeping up with 52 Ancestors 52 Weeks (another blog challenge); desperately needing to clean this room; getting started on a landscape project.
    Thanks for visiting my blog!
    Wendy at Jollett Etc.

  12. I knew you'd be doing knitting :).

    Boy, you sure are busy. I can't wait to see what you're doing for X. I love the color.

  13. I started knitting way back in the seventies but never did get the hang of it. I turned to crocheting and that, it seems, is where my talent lies..hiss.

  14. Knitting is very relaxing... like crosswords but more productive. I don't know how you keep track :)

  15. Hi Elizabeth,

    I have a plate full of half started crochet projects, most of them afghan blankets, for charity.

    Knitting was my first love and something I was taught by my mother at a very early age. I always used to knit both my own and hubbie's jumpers, but then that became 'uncool' so I stopped. Now that home knitting has become fashionable once again, I no longer have either the time nor inclination for such large projects, although I do still enjoy making smaller items for the the premature baby unit at our local hospitals and slightly larger childrens items, again for charity.

    I must admit that I do spend more time looking at my ongoing projects, rather than having the urge to work on them, by the end of a long working day!

    Have fun with all your projects,


    1. Some days it takes too much concentration to stitch. I know. I have those days myself.


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