
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

New Technical Problems

It was an interesting Turkey Day at the continuation high school.

(Yes, I already did a post about Turkey Day. But there was no school last week, so my topics are a little thin.)

In years past, the school would put on a school-wide movie to keep the students entertained while we were waiting to eat. And then after.

At one time this set up was state of the art. We'd pull out the TVs, make sure they were hooked up to the school-wide cable, and somewhere in the office someone would start a movie.

Of course, every year this was an issue. First, was the TV hooked up correctly? Then, was it on the right channel? Sometimes the connection was bad, so we'd get no picture. I'd call for technical assistance (once I'd done everything I know how to do) only to learn that the office hadn't started the movie yet.

This year, they did something different. They uploaded the movie to each teacher's computer so we could play back at our leisure (so we could pause it when we went to eat). Every room now has a projector connected to the teacher's computer. Great idea, right?

Getting the movie to play--no problem. Unfortunately, the movie lasted one hour. We had three hours to fill.

The students all told me to put up Netflix. One problem: I don't have a Netflix subscription. And none of them were willing to use theirs so we could watch something else.


And no, I'm not getting a Netflix subscription to show two hours of something for one class. No matter how much they pestered me to do so.


  1. If they wanted to watch something, one of them would have coughed up an account. Although I'm sure they were all scandalized to discover their teacher didn't have a Netflix subscription.

  2. That's weird that no one would cough up their Netflix subscription log in information.

  3. That's a lot of time to fill with a one hour movie. No one is going to have their mind on serious studies with Turkey Day festivities just a couple hours away. How did you keep the students busy?


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