
Friday, April 12, 2013

Knitting in Class

Some time ago, I read something where a teacher complained that the sub knitted in class while the class watched a video. The teacher was quite angry about this.

For me, it depends on the situation. I covered an AP World History class for a week in June. Their teacher was out grading the AP exam, and the class' assignment was to watch movies (they were done for the year). I so needed to do something to keep me sane, and knitting saved me.  

But there is this 7th grade science class where the teacher usually leaves a video for the sub. (I've subbed for her a couple times.) The class has a worksheet to answer as they watch, and they need someone to keep after them, reminding them when answers to the questions are coming up. Those days I'm way too busy to have time for knitting.  

The week before spring break (the week I blogged about last week) was one such week where I needed to do something with my hands. By Tuesday I had exhausted my usual keep-my-mind-busy-while-the-class-does-what-it's-supposed-to-do activities. (Some weeks I don't even touch those.) I needed an activity, and fast.  

So, I spent the week (Wednesday-Friday) knitting earrings.  

Cute, huh? Or should I have not knit in class?   


  1. I've always wanted to learn to knit. I say if you can, do it. IN or out of class.

    Happy A to Z blogging.

  2. I think, like you said, depends on the class and assignment. I have a friend who subs and she spent the day monitoring ISS (in school suspension). Everyone was quiet and busy doing what they were supposed to do and she spent the day enduring mind numbing boredom. She said it was the worst sub job she'd ever had because of the boredom. Now if she had done some knitting (or crochet or doodling or whatever) she might have had a better day and still been able to monitor the kids.

    The earrings are so cute!! They remind me of the twirly copper hanging things- very cool! :)

  3. My grandmother God rest her soul would love you! She was very original in her knitting designs as well. Just fab!

    1. Glad you like them. It was my great-grandmother who taught me to knit in the first place.

  4. Beautiful knitting! As for the class if you are watching a movie that you don't need to take notes for by all means knit away!
    Peanut Butter and Whine

    1. Thanks. That's my philosophy--knitting only when the kiddos are on task.

  5. I agree that it depends on the class and the assignment. And you seem more than capable of determining which is which.

    The earrings are very pretty. I love the colors you pick for your projects.

  6. I don't see what the big deal is as long as the kids aren't swinging from the lights and staging fights to the death. Plus they're cute earrings.

  7. That is so cute! I've never seen knitted earrings. As for knitting in class, I think I'd be against it. The students aren't allowed to knit in class, why should the teacher be the exception. I understand however, that one would want to find a way to pass the time.

    Have fun with a-z.

    1. I have no issue with students knitting in class, so long as they don't have something else to do. But usually they have an assignment that they must finish.

      I actually had a girl crocheting in class. It was after a test, so she had the time.


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