
Monday, August 22, 2011

Jumping On In

I've been debating this all day. Actually, I've been debating this since April. Am I going to jump in and do Rachael's Third Writers' Platform-Building Campaign?

Yeah, I'm in.

The last one was fun. The best part was discovering all these interesting blogs. Some of them are now a regular part of my day. Blogs that I wouldn't have stumbled upon otherwise.

The list closes on August 31st. Come on. Join me.


  1. Good to see you back in the campaign! Best of luck and have fun!

  2. Hiya fellow Campainger. This is my first go round, so I'm hoping this time will be just as much fun as it looked last time. ^_^

  3. Hi! This is my first time participating in a campaign. It's nice to meet you! :)

  4. YaY, you're in too!

    I'm surprised she's leaving it open so long. She had to close it early last year. Rachael is going to have her work cut out for her.

  5. Seems like a lot of people are joining up again. Like Theresa said, Rachael will be one busy girl, for sure. :D

  6. *waves*

    Thanks for dropping by my blog! Looking forward to following your posts and getting to know you. :D

  7. Just joined the Campaign. Should be fun.

  8. Hello Fellow Fantasy Campaigner! :) Looking forward to getting to know you.

  9. This is my first campaign. It sounds like so much fun! I'm impressed with how long you've kept up your blog. That's some history.

  10. Hi fellow writer & Campaigner! I stopped by from to say hello back. :)

  11. Hey there, I'm new to all this. I see you are an educator. Me too. But won't it be grand when classrooms are but a distant memory and work equals a word document and one thousand cups of coffee.

  12. I'm a fellow campaigner. Glad to meet you. I've never done the campaign before, but I'm hoping to find tons of new blogs to follow too. Glad to hear it works as advertised.

  13. Hi Liz. Another Campaigner swinging by to say hello. Hello!


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*Exception: I do not respond to "what if?" comments, but I do read them all. Those questions are open to your interpretation, and I don't wish to limit your imagination by what I thought the question was supposed to be.