
Friday, February 18, 2011

Keeping Track of Attendance

"Can you sign permission slips?"

Normally, the answer is no, but today they were having a special assembly second period only for students who had permission. Since I was the teacher for the day, I figured I was authorized to give that permission. (And I was so thrilled that I didn't have to go!)

It was selfish on my part. This was a two-day assignment, so I had already dealt with second period, and it wasn't good. They were watching a movie. I spent much of class time on top of talking students. I figured with a few of them out of the room, I might have a better chance at keeping the class quiet. It turned out I was right.

During the passing period, a few other students came in with their permission slips. I signed all of them. I didn't really keep track. I didn't really need to. When I took roll for second period, I marked them all absent.

I sort of enjoy taking attendance. It's on the computer. They give us subs a temporary password to access the system. I click on the absent button, and poof, absent. I click on submit, and I'm done.

During the next class, after submitting attendance, I went back into second period's roll just to see. Of the nine I had marked absent, four of those "absents" had been replaced with "verified school activity". I guess their permission slips cleared. Then the period after that, the number of "verified school activity" went up to six.

Technology is so cool! It's a little game I play. I like to check back on previous classes to see if the students' absences are verified. Many times, a student I marked absent in first period will later show up as "illness". And later in the day, I'll find that I don't have to mark some students absent as the system will already show them as absent.

Yeah, I'm way too enamored of the attendance taking procedure.


  1. Hiya, buddy crusader! I'm making the rounds today and checking out your blog. Nice to meet you, and Happy Friday! :)

    Hey, your blogroll description said you write fantasy with sci-fi elements; sounds cool. I think I've heard the term "science fantasy" used to describe a genre like that. Or maybe science fantasy is sci-fi with elements of fantasy, just the opposite. LOL

    Artzicarol Ramblings

  2. Hey there fellow Crusader, stopping by to say hello and to follow you.

  3. I think technology in the classroom is cool too. At least this way is better than the old-fashioned pencil on paper routine I grew up with. More efficient, I meant to say.

    I'm in your Crusader group stopping by to say "hi!"

  4. We all have our little things that we do to just get through the day. :)

  5. Hi, fellow crusader! I signed so many hall passes with my initials "ZSS" in my 25 years that they ceased to look like I thought they did. One day a child looked at me with tears in her eyes and asked, "Why are you sending me to ISS?" LOL Talk about procedure. ; )

  6. I don't get to do on-line attendance. When I run a class, I've had to hand write it and submit to the office. Lucky you!

  7. That's pretty nifty. I'd be amused by it too. I love learning new fun little things that technology can do. :-)

    <3 Gina Blechman (fellow crusader)

  8. Hi Liz,
    Just wanted to drop by and let you know that I'll have an award for you on my blog tomorrow. Love your blog.

  9. I didn't realize it was all computerized. I'm a bit slow. At our school, the fifth graders pick up the attendance sheets from each class, then deliver them to the office. I guess the enter them in the office. Who knew?

    I'm a fellow crusader stopping to say hi!

  10. Had to stop by fellow teacher and Crusader. I am in elementary school but have done the substitute thing and it is not easy. A bit of a Crusade I might say. Drop on by and visit me. YOur story reminds me of the never-ending lunch count I took one day in a kindergarten class. A memory to share some time soon.


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