
Thursday, February 14, 2008



I hate assemblies. If I know that one is coming, I will do what I can to avoid that school on that day. But many times I get blindsided by them--like today.

I wasn't the only one blindsided. Several full-time teachers were also confused. I guess the informational email went out late yesterday.

But I was discussing my general dislike of these things. They are generally loud. The students are all wound up, and I can never keep track of my class (more than half will vanish on the walk to the gym). I never know where to sit. I always feel a little out of place. And they're just not that interesting.

Today's assembly was to congratulate the winter sports teams. So, we got to listen to coaches introduce their teams. And they announced the popularity contest winners (the king and queen of the upcoming dance). Whoopee.

Today's exercise was especially painful. It took forever for the students to file into the gym. Then it took a good ten minutes before anything got started. The microphone kept cutting out, and the MC had to switch her microphone at least five times.

I overheard an assistant principal telling a teacher that the whole day was just a mess.

Figures. Mercury is retrograde (for only four more days!).

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