
Friday, March 29, 2013

In the Navy?

Yesterday I mentioned that last week the continuation high school had its annual Career Fair. I also mentioned that the presentation in the classroom I covered was for a local private college (not one you've ever heard of, I'm sure).

These days are nice for me the sub. I get to sit back and let someone else do all the work. It helps if the students are cooperative (so I don't have to go all discipline-y).

The first three groups were fine. Then the fourth group came in, and I inwardly groaned. Not her!

Some students just can't be quiet and attentive. And this girl... I don't think she has ADD, but she just can't sit still. She's been rude to me on more than one occasion. She talks back. And she's loud.

But we lucked out. She was quiet and attentive to the presenter. The presenter actually wanted some feedback from the audience, and she was good enough to provide it. Things were going pretty well, actually.

As the presenter was talking about his school, he asked the girl her post-graduation plans. She told him she was going to enlist in the Navy.

This is where I fall over in shock.

Even now... I can't picture this girl in the Navy. Basic training will be...interesting. I don't know if she actually understands the sort of respect and dedication involved.

I'm judging. I shouldn't. She might find the Navy is a perfect fit for her.

But...I just don't see it.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Higher Education Expense

Last week was the Career Fair at the continuation high school. The presentation in the room I was in was for a local private college. And as happens when you hear the same presentation for the third or fourth time, my mind started to wander.

College. Expensive. Charging tuition to students who might not necessarily have it. Student loans. Crushing debt.

What if there was some way to make it so future employers (the corporations who need the workers) could foot the bill for college so as to not burden the students with future crushing debt?  

It would mean a restructuring of the whole educational system. What would a future world where this was the case look like? How could such a thing work? Could it work?

My mind can go to strange and foreign places when it wanders...

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Picture of My Feet (Sorry!)

Sometimes it takes me a long time to get around to writing out a pattern. I take good notes and all, but for some reason the sitting down and making it neat portion takes more effort.

Remember my barefoot sandals?

The date on that blog post is from last summer. I just this week made the pattern available. (You can purchase it here if you want it. It's only $2.)


And of course I missed the whole "announce your A to Z Challenge theme" thing last week. Yes, I'll be doing the challenge this time around. But not much is going to change around here. My challenge is going to be to do my usual, only fitting it to the alphabet. I think I can do it.

Will you be A to Z-ing?

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Who Got the Email?

This has been happening to me more and more lately.

I walked into the classroom, turned on the lights, and went in search of lesson plans. This morning, I didn't have to look long. The teacher's desk was very clean and neat. But it contained no lesson plans.

So, I did what I do now when that's the case. I called the office and asked if the teacher had emailed them.

It used to be that teachers would just call the classroom to tell us subs what they wanted us to do. But lately, most email lesson plans. If the secretary that checks me in sees those plans in her email, she prints them out and gives them to me along with the key to the classroom.

But sometimes the teacher emails them late. And sometimes the secretary misses the plans.

Sometimes the teacher emails the plans to someone else.

In those cases, I have to wait and see who has them. Who is this teacher's buddy? Sometimes it's the teacher next door, but many times it's not.

School started. No one had brought me lesson plans. And the office didn't have them.

I found the class' book. Algebra 2. Where had they left off? What could I give them?

That's when the phone rang. The teacher. She wanted to make sure the lesson plans found me. When she learned they hadn't, she told me the teacher next door had them. I sent a student to retrieve them.

(Why didn't I check next door? I was running late--that was my fault--and I had moments before the bell.)

When I saw the email, I saw the problem. She sent the plans to three different teachers. Presumably, each one thought the other two got the plans to me. Oops.

Of course, later that day I had two different teachers stop in to make sure I had gotten plans.

This sort of thing used to make me more nervous than it does now. It still makes me nervous, it's just not as bad.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Pressure to Help a Peer

Freshman English class. They had a poetry comprehension test.

It was a big group, and they were way too excited to see a sub. But somehow I managed to get them silent and started. Everything was going great...until someone's cell phone rang.

At this point I'm perfectly justified in confiscating the thing. But she wasn't actually on her phone. Sometimes the students forget to turn them off. So, I told her to turn the phone off, and I thought that was the end of it.

But these were freshmen. (14-year-olds.) Someone's phone rang? Oh, that's a conversation to have.

I shushed them, but they wouldn't go back to silent. So then I tried an experiment.

"If you guys can't settle down, then I'm going to have to confiscate the phone."

In about two seconds, the room hit silent again.


It's good to know that they'll pull together so that one of their own doesn't lose her cell phone.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

More Movie Projects?

I'm sure you heard about the Veronica Mars Movie Kickstarter. It blew up last week. (I write these about a week ahead.) And it got me thinking...

If you could get the right people on board, what tragically shortened series would you like to see get a movie? (Or any series, for that matter.) 

(Okay, so not so much a what if this week, but I like to take existing ideas and brainstorm them. It's good writerly exercise.)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Class: Missing

I got called rather late. So, I didn't get to school until about ten minutes after first period started. Not ideal conditions, but not something I'm unfamiliar with, either. I checked in and I headed for the classroom.

I noticed the lights weren't on and the door was still locked. I slipped in, expecting them to be watching a movie or something. But no. The room was empty.


I found the teacher's lesson plans. He had a first period. But they weren't waiting outside nor had someone found them a sub to fill in until I could get there. The class was missing.

I called the office. They managed to track down the students. They were in the library.

So, I went to find them. It wasn't a large group. There was even an adult aide. I asked. Why were they in the library?

Apparently, one of the students decided to go there, and the rest followed. (I should mention that there were only six students in class.)

Well, at least they were findable.

(A couple things went wrong that morning to have this happen. First was the late call. Second, the secretary normally in charge of subs was out for the day. She would have gotten the message that I'd be late, and then she would have gotten someone to cover. And third, the students found someplace to be. When a class is outside after the bell, very quickly administration figures out there's a problem and finds someone to cover.)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Broken Air Conditioner

"The a/c may or may not work."

Those words were scrawled in the margin of the lesson plan. And all I could think was, "Oh no!!!"

The weather has been changeable lately. This day we were back on the warm side. We were projected to have a high of 82°. I hoped for the best, but as the day warmed and I went to try the air conditioning unit, I discovered it was a "may not work" kind of day.

The students were not pleased.

Middle school math. Sixth period. As they walked in, everyone whined about the temperature. Once the bell rang and I had their attention, I explained the situation to them.

"The air conditioner does not work. I have tried everything I know how to do. If I could get it working, I would. I'm as warm as you." At this point I held up my arms so that they could see the pools of sweat there. "The doors are open. The fan is on. That's the best I can do. I've been here all day. You're going to be here an hour. So, I don't want to hear any more about it. If anyone else complains, I am going to lose it."

After that, I did not hear another "I'm hot" or "why won't the a/c work?" So, I could focus on the other issues, namely that the class was very, very loud.

Friday, March 15, 2013

A Neon Green Pen

"She gave up!" (This said with quite a bit of glee.)

I went around the classroom giving each student a sheet of assignment questions and a blank page on which to do the work. (This was at the continuation high school. They don't bring paper.) As I moved up the row, I found work distributed to students who I had not gotten to yet. That's when I saw the boy handing off the 3rd set of pages I had given him to a neighboring student.

I asked him: "You're not going to do it?"

I suppose I should have pushed harder. But it was Friday. At the continuation high school. I might have gotten him to keep the papers on his desk eventually, but he wasn't going to do the work. So, I moved on.

He was astonished. (See: quote above.)

Another student explained he couldn't do the assignment because he had nothing to write with. I offered a pencil. (The students don't bring pens/pencils to school either.)

"I can't write with pencils. I need...uh...a neon green pen."

Uh huh. Because I might be able to procure a pen for him, but could I find a neon green one?

Well, at least he kept the assignment.

Later, I passed by his desk. He had a pen. A black one. And then when I collected the work, he had done some. Not all of it, but more than some of them. In black ink.

The strangest thing was that period was the group that turned in the most work.  

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Seeing the Unseeable

You know how the mind finds images in randomness--in clouds, stars, stucco on walls? They say we try to make sense of these things by forming patterns with our minds. We find things that aren't really there.

But what if those things were really there?

What if there are beings (ghosts, spirits, aliens, what-have-yous) that we can't perceive through our normal senses, but we do catch echos of them--in the patterns around us?  

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Beware of Assistant Principal

"Look out! Ms. B is coming."

Most of the time I'm strict with regards to things like cell phones. But this was one of those elective classes where the students had earned a little slack. (The class was Link Crew. These were the Link Crew leaders.) They had an assignment. Some were even doing it.

Their cell phones were out. So, someone did the usual. What's interesting is what name they use to scare the rest of the class. (In this case, it was one of the assistant principals. The school has three.)

Then the classroom phone rang. It was Ms. B. She wanted the teacher. I told her the teacher was out.

Not 10 minutes later, a student spied Ms. B entering a nearby classroom. "Better watch out," they warned (each other).

I couldn't understand the paranoia. Besides the phones (which would disappear the minute they heard the door open), they weren't doing anything they needed to worry about. (If this had been an academic class, they would have needed to have books out and be doing something. But this was the kind of class where they kind of hang out for an hour.)

They explained. Apparently, Ms. B would find something to write the students up for. A couple claimed that she had a dislike of them. One said she would find a dress code issue. (The student didn't appear to be out of dress code.)

Students often complain that they're targeted for no good reason. So, we waited. But Ms. B didn't drop by the class. (She wouldn't. She knew the teacher wasn't there.)

Well, if I ever cover this class again, I know who to threaten them with (not that it would come to that).

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Rolling Their Own

It had been three weeks since I was last at the continuation high school. Then when I do get there, a teacher who never leaves a video for his students left a video for his students.


It was a U.S. History class, and they were studying World War II. The video was an overview of the 1940s. (Of course they were supposed to take notes. It was a standard video assignment.)

In one segment, the narrator discussed shortages and rationing during the war. He talked about how cigarettes were in such short supply that many people rolled their own (accompanied by film of a woman at dinner rolling a cigarette).

The students all reacted to this scene. Loudly. (Although, I was pleased that they were paying attention enough to notice.)

And every period I reminded the students that what they were rolling in those cigarettes was tobacco.

I knew my audience. They needed that disclaimer.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Not Great Quizzing Conditions

Every day, the health students get three new vocabulary words. Then every Friday, they have a quiz over those words.

This was day three of a four day assignment. (Their teacher was at a conference.) Period 5 was my least favorite group of the day. That is not to say that they were awful. Rather, they were rather typical for freshmen. Problem (for them) was that the rest of the classes were wonderful, so period 5 suffered by comparison.

I put their five question quiz up on the overhead. First thing I heard: "Number one is appetite."

Great. And it was the correct answer.

I managed to get them settled somehow, and I stood at the front of the room, watching. Waiting. They only got five minutes for the quiz, and then we were going to move on to something else.

"What does hunger mean?"

I glared at the boy. Since question number two was to define hunger, I replied with: "If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me, 'how do you spell ___?' during a spelling test..."

They should have been silent. At least the questions they had they directed at me.

"Are we your favorite class?"

Um, no. Not even close.

But I never tell a class that. I hedge. I find nice things to say about them.

However, they were taking a quiz. They were supposed to be silent. I reminded them of this. Then I collected their quizzes.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Saving a Life?

This week I've got more of a "would you?" rather than a "what if?"

What if you were approached to donate your bone marrow? You're a perfect match. Problem is, who you'd be helping is a truly evil person. Would you save that person's life if you could?  

A couple caveats:
  1. What you're donating doesn't have to be bone marrow, just something of a similar nature. I'm not talking about donating a kidney, though. 
  2. Defining "truly evil person": In the planning stages of this question, I imagined being asked by a prisoner incarcerated for life. But, I thought that might limit the question way too much. So, imagine someone who should be in prison (for something awful, like serial killing) but who may or may not be. However, you know about this awfulness when you are approached.  

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

eReader Prop Pattern

A few weeks back, I posted pictures of this thing...

And as I do with my finished projects, I also posted it on Ravelry

A funny thing has happened in the last couple days. This thing has gotten a lot of interest (well, a lot of interest compared to how much interest my stuff usually gets).

I intend to play with this a bit and make a better one. But so long as there is interest, I thought I might as well share the pattern...

eReader Prop

Yarn: Loops & Threads Impeccable Solids in Aran (although, any worsted weight yarn should work)
Needles: Size 8, straight and double pointed
Fiberfill stuffing to fill the pillow

20 sts and 27 rows = 4 inches in garter stitch
20 sts and 24 rows = 4 inches in stockinette stitch

Cast on 30 sts
Work in garter stitch for rows 1 & 2
Row 3: k1, k2 tog, work to last three stitches of row, k2tog, k1
Repeat these three rows (decreasing every third row) until four stitches remaining.
Next decrease row: k2tog, k2tog
Next row: k2tog
Then cut yarn and secure last stitch.

Using the double pointed needles, pick up and knit 30 stitches along each side of the base triangle--total of 90 stitches on the needles. (If you prefer to use circulars, make sure to place a marker at the end of each side.) Then join to work in the round.
Rounds 1 & 2: knit
Round 3: *k1, k2tog, work to the last three stitches on the needle (or to the marker), ssk, k1* repeat between *s twice more (for the next two needles)
Repeat rounds 1-3, decreasing row every third row
When there are about 8 stitches remaining on each needle (24 sts remaining) stuff the bottom of the pillow. then, when four stitches remain on each needle (12 stitches total) top off the stuffing before doing the next decrease round
Next decrease round: *k2tog, k2tog* repeat between *s for each needle
Next round: k2tog three times
Then cut yarn and thread the yarn through the remaining three stitches. Make sure the pillow is as full as you'd like it to be. Tighten and secure.

Along base, pick up and knit 27 stitches. (Use the row where you cast on for the garter stitch base.)
Work 8 rows in garter stitch (knit every row). Then on next wrong side row (you should be looking at the bottom of the pillow. If not, knit one more row) purl across. On next right side row, work a row of bobbles...
Bobble row: *knit 3 stitches, make bobble* repeat between *s to end of row, end knit 3
Next row: purl across
Then knit two more rows. Bind off on third row.

At the "make bobble" point:
(Yo, k1) 3 times into that next stitch. Then turn
Slide 1 stitch, p5, turn
Slide 1 stitch, k5, turn
P2tog three times, turn
Slide 1 stitch, k2tog, pass the slipped stitch over the k2tog

Wind in ends, and it's done!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Incident

"What happened here? Puke?"

It was towards the end of the passing period into period 4 when the janitor arrived. There was enough commotion with students arriving and getting settled that I didn't have to worry about attracting the students' attention with my explanation.

Period 3. The students were watching Super Size Me. (Health class.) As I do when a video plays (over and over and over again all day), I occupied myself with other things, but with a vantage point where I could watch all of them.

I noticed movement, and looked up to see the student fall out of his seat.

My first thought was that he had fallen asleep. I dismissed that in an instant. I picked up the phone and called for help.

(The first time this sort of thing happened in class, I froze. I didn't handle it much better this time, but this time I handled it better.)

"What happened?" The boy, now alert, got up off the floor.

At this point the video was forgotten, as every student's attention was on the boy. Most stood, but none crowded him. Someone explained. Then security arrived, radioed to the office that the boy was up and alert, and escorted the boy away.

After he left, I noticed the wet spot on the carpet.

Period 4 was curious as to why the janitor was in class, scrubbing the carpet with bleach. I gave some vague answer. I didn't want to tell them about the incident. Not that they won't hear about it--they just won't hear about it from me.

Period 5 had heard.

I'm glad these sorts of things are rare. I hope the boy is okay.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Wardrobe Malfunction

1st period 8th grade science. I waged the usual battles. They were seated and mostly on task. So, a successful period.

I needed to retrieve something from my bag, so I sat down in the teacher's chair to get to it. As I slid along the armrest into the seat, I felt something sharp along my right hip.  

The armrest of the chair slid aside, revealing a metal plate which presumably secured the armrest to the chair. The corner of that rectangular metal piece tore a big gaping hole in my pants.

Can you tell that this is along my hip?
Now what was I supposed to do? Why couldn't this have happened 6th period?

A student called me over, needing help. I pulled my shirt down. My jacket was slightly longer, but it felt like the hem just grazed over the hole. I walked over pretending nothing was wrong, and I hoped for the best.

They didn't appear to notice. (They're 8th graders. I'm sure they would have made a big to do over it if they did.)

Somehow, I managed to get through the rest of the period. I searched the room for safety pins, but I didn't find any. Luckily, a neighbor stopped in looking for the teacher, and I asked him if he had any. He did. And doubly luckily, the next period I had a prep, so I headed for the restroom and tried to make sure that the hole was a bit more secure (so that my underwear wasn't showing).

Not great, but better than leaving a bit, gaping hole
I got through the rest of the day feeling highly self-conscious. But no one seemed to notice anything amiss. Phew.

And from now on, I'm going to be a lot more careful when I take a seat. Especially early in the day.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Get Your Own Seat

One rule I enforce is one student per chair.

Yes, sometimes students try to share chairs. They'll go halvsies or one student will sit in another's lap. Both are okay with the arrangement and not pleased when I break them up. (There are enough chairs in the room so that each student gets his/her own.)

It was a government class. All seniors. They had the assignment, and I took a seat at the front of the room.

I noticed the boy looking at me. He hadn't raised his hand; he was just regarding me like he wanted my attention. Once he had it, he pointed to the girl on his lap. (Something I should have noticed before this. I'll blame it on where I sat versus where he sat--angles of sight and such.)

Once the girl found her own seat, the boy thanked me. "I'm just too nice."  

I couldn't figure out why he didn't get rid of her himself if he didn't want her there. They were both seniors. He was a large guy.

But the girl was pushy. I noticed this as the period wore on. She shoved and pushed her way to where she wanted to go and what she wanted to do.

Sometimes my job is to be the one to say no.

I kept my eye on the girl for the rest of the period. Waited. She didn't try anything more with the boy who clearly did not want her attention.